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Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 one little word - stop

For the last few years I've been adopting Ali Edwards 'One Little Word' concept to live by, rather than make New Years Resolutions.  One Little Word (OLW) becomes a mantra to live by. It needs to fit who you are, it needs to make you stretch to achieve it, not forget about it in a months time or quit because it just didn't work for you. So I take a bit of time to find the right word.

2014 was No.   To be able to say no, and not feel guilty for it.
2015 was Seek. To seek new horizons, seeking grace while under fire,
2016 was Prune. The garden, the weight, the time wasters.

Every one of those words was dead on perfect for that particular year.  Over the last couple of weeks I tried a number of different words and none of them seemed to fit, until this one popped into mind. Immediately it felt right. It fits.

2017 is STOP.  Stop and take a moment to breathe. Stop to enjoy the kids while I still have 2 at home, Stop and think before responding. Stop and slow down, just a little. Stop and cut the out the crap. Stop procrastinating and just bloody do it.   And stop, just stop.