••• tiff firth photography •••

Thursday, September 11, 2014

she's 12

oh my.
Twelve-teen already. Time is zipping past faster than ever, and that scares me a bit.

Right now she's only an inch shorter than me, the same shoe size as me, and is way more amazing than I'll ever be.  Love her to pieces.

She's grown from this bundle of joy.....

...to this bundle of joy!!

 Paige came over and stayed last night so she could wake Annie up for her birthday. Paige is a VERY special member of our family. She lived with us when she was in Year 11 and most of year 12 to do the subjects she needed at school to get into uni and study nursing. She's now a RN and a graduate midwife. She rocks our world, and with her we are 5.

Tonight Annie had a friend come home after school to have tea and share her birthday cake.  I'll put in a disclaimer right here. I'm not a cake decorator by a looooong shot, nor do I bake cakes. I've tried and tried and my sponges are hard, flat, lumpy bricks so I don't bother anymore. This year I bought the sponge from Five Loaves Bakery and was inspired by my sister in law to try to do a 'anti'gravity cake'.  Paige put me onto Betty Crocker Frosting (never heard of it before that) and a bit of learning via YouTube and it was done. Annie was pleased as punch and that's all that matters.

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