••• tiff firth photography •••

Monday, December 22, 2014

getting into the christmas spirit

Community policing at its finest.

Our community have been blessed with a really great copper who has been here with his family for a number of years.

Today he and his partner came into the Cummins Christmas Wonderland for a visit. I pounced on them and asked if they would mind a pic of them in the sleigh. No convincing was required at all. He suggested it was a brilliant idea with 'community policing' in mind.

So while a bunch of young kids looked on, the coppers played up for me. I reckon the coppers had more laughs than the kids watching them.

More images of the Cummins Christmas Wonderland on Tiff Firth Photography

The local constabulary took the sleigh out for a spin. I think Rudolph blew their socks off!
(posted with their permission)

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