••• tiff firth photography •••

Saturday, November 18, 2017

add a little sparkle to the party

I was looking through the Christmas decorations at Kmart the other day and spotted the tinsel wire, the white serviettes with the silver words 'add a little sparkle to the party' and the tinsel star, amongst other things. I had an instant idea with the serviettes.

Some time ago I watched Kate Mason do a serviette scrapbooking class and that had always impressed me.   

Alas, my modge podge was dry and beyond salvation and I wondered about using watered down craft glue. I messaged Kate to find out if this would be ok. And Im so glad I asked. A prompt reply told me 'No, don't use craft glue. It goes yellow over time. Use impasto if you have it.'

The impasto worked an absolute treat. While I had the impasto out I sprinkled any loose pieces of the silver flake that was coming away from the silver wire. And a little sprinkle of silver glitter.  The impasto held it all in place nicely.

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