••• tiff firth photography •••

Monday, November 16, 2015

winding up

Since 2009 I have photographed over 150 families to capture a moment forever frozen as a memory for those families to keep.

With my deteriorating right shoulder issue (the surgery this last August hasn't been 100% successful) and ongoing tendinitis in my right elbow that's no longer able to have cortisone injections, and my right wrist that I continuously strap when I'm using a keyboard a bamboo tablet, or when I lift the camera, I feel sadly that the time has come to windup the Family Photography side of my business. I have 2 more families to photograph on my books and then that's it. I'm done.

Commercial photography however will continue as that's sporadic and I should be able to handle that.

Every now and then I must put myself first, instead of a poor third or fourth, and now is one of those times.  I'm so guttered, and its taken quite some time to come to this decision without feeling guilty that I'm letting someone down.

So now that I've made the decision, its time to put the word out there in social media.

Every blog post needs an image and this is a recent shot from my favorite family.  I have seen this family in front of my lens every year since. It was a lovely 24 degrees on the beach that day and a hot 37 when I got back home. I know where I rather be on that particular day.

I'd like to thank all those who have left such wonderful supportive comments love and hugs, both here on my blog, on my facebook page, down the street, txts and emails, over the years. Without you I would have never started and continued on this journey, and its been such an awesome ride.

With much love

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