••• tiff firth photography •••

Friday, April 3, 2015


Meet Max. He's our elderly guinea pig. Don't tell him tho. He still acts like a two year old. He's a happy healthy seven year man. 

He did start off with a bit of an identity crisis in his first few months. Until I learnt how to sex pigs he was Milly. Then we discovered Milly had a willy, so then he was Max.

He's a dear little thing. His hutch is outside our kitchen window. We talk to him, he chirps and sings. The peacocks take an afternoon siesta next to his hutch. He's right up there next to them on his side of the hutch. 

He's on what we call 'boost juice' or fat food so he can keep his condition on. He did drop a lot of weight fast and I wondered if his teeth were too long. I took him to the vet and she said that his teeth are ok, its probably his metabolism. He's built up some nice padding for the coming winter months. 

On any warmer days over 30 degrees during the year he does come inside to his house hutch. They don't do well in the heat. It can kill them if its hot enough. And since he's a pensioner now, we look after him more than ever.

He's been with us on our summer holidays at the beach. The apartment where we stay kindly lets us bring him along. He lives in his lawn hutch and inside on the hot days. He's even been on the beach with us.

He's such a dude and loved lots

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