••• tiff firth photography •••

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

aurora australis

On Monday night while you were either on the couch watching telly, or already in bed, I was running around in my pjamas with a torch in my hand to capture the Aurora and the Milky Way. This is 8 fisheye images stitched together with each object painted with light in every frame. With 30 seconds for  each frame, there was a lot of mad sprinting to get them all done and a lot of puffing after.

Worth it tho. The Aurora is the red glow on the horizon. I'm not sure what the yellow light is. Wangary perhaps. Not Edillile or the Port Lincoln glow. I they were further to the south.

Painting the wheat with light and using a hanky as a filter. Edillilie lights to the left of frame.

Aurora Australis and the Southern tip of the Milky Way with Agricultural Field Bin painted with light.


SueP said...

Great photos Tiff, i like these!!

Janice Nicholls said...

Awesome photos Tiff, love them. :) x