••• tiff firth photography •••

Monday, August 2, 2010

just dance 2010 comp

With a lot of pride we watched Annie and her ballet troupe compete today in the Ra Na Just Dance 2010 Competition. Our girls performed so well, didn't forget any steps and looked so confident up there on the stage. Congratulations to each one of you for coming second.

Annie's Granny came along too. Kym held the video camera that Annie insisted upon and I had the camera in hand (of course). I can't post most of the pics as they have other children, but I can show these ones.

the hair

the costume and makeup.

the Troupe 2nd place trophy.

I'm not really all that happy with the pics during the comp. I do find large halls a big challenge and this one  was no exception. It ticks me off that I know I can do better, and I pull some crap ones. grrrr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Annie and troupe for a fab effort on the weekend, what a trophy! Tiff you crack me up - only you could think that you pull some crap ones, I am yet waiting to see them!!!!