••• tiff firth photography •••

Friday, December 2, 2011

Lake Malata and the mad elves

About a week after John White and I visited Lake Malata, I took Laura out there.  (with permission from the landowner) And I took a couple of Christmas hats with a new profile pic in mind.  Well those two red hats instigated all sorts of shenanigans. From serenading Pete Dobre via iphone with Laura's theme song, leaping around in very slippery slushy salt, with clay just underneath, and just laughing till our bellies hurt.

bestie shot!!! via iphone
(posted with permission)

having a bit of fun......

 ....ended up in a bit of bother lol. just about hyper extended pmsl.

 action shot of my iphone coming up and out of my pocket.

 this is my fave..... can you guess what i was doing lol


the other mad elf making a run for it!!!!
(posted with permission)

Before, during and after mucking around I got a few shots in. We were blessed with such a great day!!


 clean and pristine

 incoming cloud

 as the lake dried up it left residue at each level. Looks like wheel marks, but they're not.

 snow????  :OP

1 comment:

Alanna said...

LOL too cute! These bought an incredibly huge smile to my face!! Love them to pieces :)