••• tiff firth photography •••

Sunday, December 18, 2011

summer sunset and building thunderheads

Did you get out yesterday after the rain.


We were treated to the amazingness of Mother Nature.  Lots of storm clouds ran through the sky yesterday afternoon, the build up of the cloud line along the Tumby Hill line was something to behold. It looked like the clouds were trying to get up over the hills and met the cooler sea air. Instead of rolling over the hills, it boiled upwards. And really quickly too.

I had the camera pointing east for the sunset last night. That's where all this cloud was and that is where the lightning was (see post below)

How lucky are we to have all this on our doorstep!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taken with the very last light of day. Not long after this shot the tops of the clouds flattened out to anvil heads and the lightning really started!!!  It was such a still evening, not a breath of breeze and so mild......

Pano of 20 shots to show the cloud line stretching all the way north to all the way south, running along the eastern horizon.  I should have headed to the coast  :-/

1 comment:

SueP said...

Wow Tiff the colours in the top one are amazing, tell a story on their own!! Those clouds are great!!