••• tiff firth photography •••

Monday, January 18, 2010


ugghhh. the downside of being away on holidays is the overflowing intray of bills that need to be dealt with. sigh. no scrapping tonight.

oh and thank you for all the FB love. I'm finding a lot of my blog comments happen there rather than on my actual blog. lol

Any comment is nice but that's not why I post. I just finished setting up my photos for print from our 2009 Tumby holidays. (that's right, the beginning of 2009, a whole year ago) and I went to my posts from back then to journal for the photos. Just like a diary but it happens to be cyber one. lol. I have often gone back to find out the little details that I had forgotten with time. It's a very handy tool.

have a great last week of school holidays.

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